Monday, November 12, 2007
Back again!!I am so happy today!!Know why?Well,it is just because the whole of 5^commitment got back back their report book...Well,my class position is 29...BOOHOO...but nebermind,I still can go to 6^commitment.yeah! um...btw...maybe i am going to jakarta on what date i dun't seems that my mum,dad,brother and i are the only ones going...well of ocurse we had to share money!!its 400+...ive long wanted to go to australia but my mum said that the expenses are too high..800+ i tink... i am now sitiing beside hu yu who is admiring JJ's watsoever website...he is just hu yu's no.1 is your no.1 idol guys?ive got a lot but i just dun wan to you realize that im writing in short-forms?well it is juz dat im so used to writing in short-forms that i cant help myself.haiish i am now having cold fingers...brrr...well den gtg...bye-byehappy as alwaes-POP-LyahX known as poppy chicken known as allyah
7:27:00 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Back on the blog!!!
Yo guys!Wassup?I've finally updated my blog huh?I'm still trying to think why I can't log into my blog...Haiish...It seems that the holidays are drawing nearer and I will be going to Penang!!!Woohoo!!Either Penang or Sydney, Australia...Nah too expensive to go to Australia...I have been getting quite agitated lately...Don't know why?You know why?I bet of course you don't know.One mo0re thing,I will be watching The Bee Movie and The Game Plan!!!Of course with my siblings...Most probably after watching the movie,my siblings and i will be taking NEOprints...Heheh...But the worst part is,I have to pay for everything!!You want to know why?Well, you see among all of my siblings,I am the only one with 400+..Quite a lot huh?That is just because my mom and dad gave me 50 each!!hehehe...Well gtg...Btw,today the whole class is going to St Hilda's Primary for a Science exhibition well maybe...Why can't we bring our bags along because I live just beside the St. Hilda's Secondary which is just beside St. Hilda's Primary...OH well...I gtg bye!
@lw@es smiling :)
3:43:00 PM